Bertinha is a dream come true for us.
We are two sisters, Suzike and Dainete Mendes, both teachers, with over 30 years of experience all together.
Having both parents, Felício and Berta Mendes, teachers, made it easy to fall in love with the profession, specially watching the dedication of both to their students, everywhere they taught: Portugal, France, Spain and Sao Tome and Principe.
We teach Mathematics, Portuguese, English, in person and through eLearning, to students aged between 6 and 18 years. We have taught in Portugal, United Kingdom, France and Sao Tome and Principe.
In addition to teaching, the digital world complements our passion for education, allowing us to create a huge variety of materials for our students. The internet provides innumerable teaching platforms, where we can explore endless resources, from those we use in the classroom context, and in eLearning.
We believe each student is unique, with different rhythms and interests. It is very important that, as much as possible, the teacher tries to meet the individual needs of each one, awakening in his pupil an interest in what he is learning.
That’s why Bertinha project was born – a place where we share different teaching materials, which can serve as support for teachers, students and parents. The materials range from preschool to 9th grade, in the most varied teaching areas. is always growing, regularly increasing its inventory.